Testing scalar-tensor theories using neutron star data
we aim to understand the effect of the coupling function in scalar-tensor theories and to use neutron-star mass-radius measurements to constrain the parameters space of the theory using Bayesian analysis. To this end, I improved the existing initial data solver by implementing better algorithms to be able to reach certain regions of the parameter space and change its structure such that it can work in parallel which resulted in a crucial speed up. Then I did the Bayesian likelihood calculations on the results of the numerical simulations I carried out.
Studied the Vector Tensor theories, written a code to numerically compute Neutron Star structures. Used several numerical techniques such as finite differencing and numerical solutions for boundary value and eigenvalue problems. Mainly used C++/C and Python on Koç University High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster. This project resulted in publication[1] where we showed that all the vectorized solutions in vector-tensor gravity has ghost instability.
Studied the recently proposed experiments on testing the quantum nature of gravity under supervision of Prof. Angelo Bassi. Learned the necessary tools from Quantum Information to have rigorous understanding of the relevant papers. derived the calculations and proofs such as the ”Local Operations and Classical Channel (LOCC) Constraint” theorem which is the backbone of the proposed experiments.
Stars from Newton to Einstein, and Beyond
Structures of various types of stars are studied both numerically and analytically starting from Newtonian Mechanics to General Relativity as well as some alternative models of gravity. An initial data solver is written in python for solving Lane-Emden Equation , Chandrasekhar White Dwarf Equation and TOV