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Teaching Assistanship

PHYS 506: General Relativity -- Spring 2023 -- Held Problem Sessions and Office Hours and graded homework

PHYS 514: Computational Physics -- Fall 2022 -- Held Problem Sessions and Office Hours and graded homework

PHYS 102: General Physics II -- Fall 2021 -- Held weekly Problem Sessions and Office Hours



PHYS 506: Genel Görelilik -- Bahar 2023 -- Problem Oturumları ve Ofis Saatleri Düzenlendi ve ödevler derecelendirildi


PHYS 514: Hesaplamalı Fizik -- Güz 2022 -- Problem Oturumları ve Ofis Saatleri Düzenlendi ve ödevler derecelendirildi


PHYS 102: Genel Fizik II -- Güz 2021 -- Haftalık Problem Oturumları ve Ofis Saatleri


PHYS 101, PHYS 102 -- 2019-2021 - I was tutor at Koç University Office of Learning and Teaching (KOLT)

Lecture Notes

Relativity and Field Equations

I did an independent study under the supervision of Prof. Tekin Dereli where I studied the Classical Field Equations and relativistic wave equations and written a detailed pedagogical report in the form of a lecture note.


Understanding Unruh Effect

This is the term project of the course PHYS516. In this paper, I discuss the topic ”Quantum Field Theory (QFT) in Curved Spacetime”. I mostly follow the discussion in Carroll(2019) Chapter 9 and Introductory Notes from Frodden and Vald´es as well as lecture notes of Tong and Jacobson and Ford . I start with a brief review of Quantum Mechanics with Heisenberg Picture (QM) and an introduction to QFT in Flat Spacetime. Then, I generalize the idea and discuss the QFT in Curved Spacetime. Finally, I discuss a prediction of QFT which is the so called ’Unruh Effect’.




irade, niyet, istek, vasiyet, arzu, vasiyetname, azim, dilek, amaç


dilemek, arzulamak, istemek, amaçlamak, azmetmek, niyet etmek, istekte bulunmak, emretmek, buyurmak, vasiyet etmek

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